Serve the Church

“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.” —1 Corinthians 12:4


Are you looking for a place to connect?

One of the best ways to do this is to find a place to serve. Watch our online volunteer orientation class and discover your gifts, hear about our vision and values as a church, and then explore where you can get connected.

Take the Spiritual Gifts Test »
Fill out a Volunteer Form »



The best way for a kid to know God, is to know someone who knows God.  By serving in our kids’ programs, you will have the opportunity to help children grow a faith that is meaningful for them at their age and stage and one that they can grow as they do!  There are so many ways to do this, and ALL of them contribute to a great program where kids love to come to church! 

You can cuddle babies, serve in Toddler Village or Kindergarten Korner, or be a small group leader with our elementary aged kids. You can prepare the bins for each of the grades, prep the snacks so the kids aren’t hangry, clean toys, etc. You could also offer a warm welcome to new families as they register. And, you have two opportunities to do all of these things—once a month on a Sunday morning or each week on Wednesday nights.  Will you help us while we are on the ‘front lines’ helping kids know that they are loved by God?  For more information please contact


At King Street Youth we have three different opportunities to serve, each playing a unique and important part in the lives of students: jr. leaders, connect leaders, small group leaders, sound and tech, worship band (or if you have musical ability, and or would love to mentor/teach a student to play an instrument and engage their gifts in a worship setting we would love to connect with you!), meals and donations. If you’d like to get involved, please contact


If you have a desire to help with some administration details, such as data base entry, sorting files, clearing and organizing spaces, cutting out craft projects, or a number of other administrative tasks, we would love to have you help us at a time that is convenient for you.  These volunteer positions are very flexible and would also be sporadic as needs and timetables require and allow.  For more information or to be added to a list of administration volunteers, please contact

Guest Services

All volunteers are to make personable and welcoming first impressions. The commitment time is typically 40 mins prior to service, and during and after as needed. The schedule is typically once a month. Greeters (first face of KSCC), Info Centre Attendants, Parking Attendants, Prayer Support, Prayer Team, Security Team, Ushers, Cafe team. Please contact

Group Life

Please contact if you are interested in becoming a group leader! Our group categories are: special interest, spiritual growth, support, serve, and seeker.

Music & Production

Here at King Street, one of the ways we express our love to God is through music. We seek to create an atmosphere where worshipping God through music is comfortable for all, regardless of where you find yourself on your faith journey. We believe that everything good comes from God including our gifts and talents. Joining the Worship Team at King Street is a great way for skilled musicians, vocalists; sound, media and lighting technicians to give their talents back to God while serving the body of Christ at King Street. Interested in joining our team? Complete an application by clicking the button below or contact

Worship Team Member Application »


We want to help women learn how to center their lives around Christ.  All of our activities are designed to help ladies become more connected to each other while growing in their faith.  If you would like to help us accomplish these things through different tasks like preparing tags, setting up for our Christmas event etc, please contact