Our Narrative Vision


We choose to see a church, known as King Street Community Church, that is deeply devoted to loving Jesus and carrying out his mission in the world.  A church that understands that we serve a God who is a community – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that we are called to be a community who serves our community – the Durham Region.

We choose to see a church that makes room for diversity and celebrates our common faith. A place where we can belong first, and believe second, and where everyone is given permission to be themselves.

We choose to see a church that is a ‘grace place’ – where all of us have confidence to invite friends and family who may be at the edges of faith!

We choose to see a church that is not afraid of honest questions and doubts. One that is OK with people not having all the answers, where people can express how they feel and find a safe place to land.

We choose to see a church that reaches both across the fence and around the world.  One that recognizes that the mission of Jesus is both local and global. 

We choose to see a church that gathers in small group communities to know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served and celebrate and be celebrated.  Where stories are told, lives are nurtured, friendships are forged, and prayers are offered.

We choose to see a church that takes Spirit prompted risks.  One that understands that ‘walking on the water’ requires ‘getting out of the boat’. One that values safety and security for our children; but is willing to take a risk for generations still to come.

We choose to see a church that makes efforts to be relevant with its methods but has a deep commitment to the timeless story of God found in Scripture.  New ways are considered if they will help others find Christ.  Old ways will be preserved if they assist others in knowing Him.  Excellence will be pursued; and creativity encouraged!

We choose to see a church that will understand people and meet their real needs, not their imagined ones.  People who are looking for meaning will find it and feel like they have finally come home when they gather with us.

We choose to see a church that relates to culture in a redemptive way, recognizing our role as salt and light, making a real-life difference in the world. A church that will adopt a ‘come and see’ and ‘go and tell’ approach to spreading the gospel of grace.  One that celebrates baptism as the most exciting aspect of church life.

We choose to see a church that has a reputation for caring for people and be known for offering help and hope for people who face divorce, death, and other forms of distress.

We choose to see and prayerfully work towards building a church where Jesus would attend!  One that would make him feel invited, accepted and at the centre of everything!